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Jiangsu COSIL advanced materials Co., LTD

Home > Products  > TDS  > S-4117

Product Features:

Kexing COSIL® S-4117 Acidic Ribbon Glue is an acidic, one-component condensed silicone rubber used to coat synthetic fabrics of various widths, such as slings, stockings, bras, pants, etc. The fabric surface has excellent adhesion, colorlessness, high transparency, and excellent anti-slip properties.

Technical indicators:

Storage and shelf life:

Store in a cool, dry place with the original packaging sealed, and the storage period is 12 months from the date of manufacture; the label is marked on each batch of product label. The product storage process must be sealed and stored. Failure to seal or store a poorly sealed package may result in deterioration of the product.




This product is transported as non-dangerous goods. This information does not include product safety information. If you need a product safety data sheet, please ask for Kexing New Materials Co., Ltd. or via an agent.

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  • office@cosil.cc
  • 0086-512-56318651
  • 0086-512-56318600
  • No.25 Donghai Road, Yangtze International Chemical Park, Zhangjiagang City, Jiangsu Province

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